This novel follows the lives of characters in Korea during the Japanese colonial period, the US military government, the Korean War, and the reigns of Rhee Syng-man and Park Chung-hee. It gives a vivid depiction of the struggles and tragedy of ordinary people in the midst of tumultuous historical events. The story starts with a marriage between two families in Jeonbuk Province, which quickly becomes a disaster as the country is caught between North and South. It questions why a country cannot protect its citizens, even after a democratic government is established. A beautiful companion on a long winter night.
This is the physical copy of The Shade of the Sun novel.
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Alternative Names:
태양의 그늘
Author: Jonghwi Park
Size: 152*225*30mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9788950990749
ISBN10: 8950990741
Pages: 408
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9788950990770
ISBN10: 8950990776
Pages: 408
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9788950990824
ISBN10: 8950990822
Pages: 424
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