Nishino Gokyou is an average-looking high schooler who fits in the middle of the school caste. Despite his concern about his appearance, he spends every day immersed in work that puts his abilities to good use, and decides that being alone is acceptable to him. However, those days would not last. During the fall of his second year, the dull-faced virgin comes to appreciate his youth and the benefits of friendship with the opposite sex. He decides to abandon his simple life and uses every means at his disposal to rise through the school castes in order to find a wonderful girlfriend to spend his high school years.
This is the physical copy of Nishino novel.
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Alternative Names:
Nishino - The Boy At The Bottom Of The School Caste And Also At The Top Of The Underground
니시노 ~교내 카스트 최하위이자 이능세계 최강 소년~
Author: Buncololi
Size: 128 x 188 x 30mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791164036226
ISBN10: 116403622X
Page: 312
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791164036813
ISBN10: 1164036815
Page: 248
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791165013912
ISBN10: 1165013916
Page: 268
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791136718914
ISBN10: 1136718915
Page: 272
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