Young heroes, conceived by demons and deceived into learning magic, must navigate a treacherous world full of love, betrayal, and conspiracy as they search for their true identities. This novel, with its authentic martial arts flavor, follows the heroes as they roam the rivers and fight to defend their honor and seek revenge. It also features well-developed characters with complex relationships and conflicts set against a richly detailed backdrop.
These are the physical copies of Chilma Seonmun novel.
100% Authentic Cheongeoram Product
Ships to Worldwide via DHL / Fedex
Alternative Names:
Author: Heodam
Size: 128*188mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791104924736
ISBN10: 1104924730
Pages: 320
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791104924743
ISBN10: 1104924749
Pages: 320
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