Aia Udagawa, a former model, gave up on his dream of becoming a make-up artist due to fear of rejection. However, he decides to participate in a school festival contest with Sumizaki, an unnoticed girl. Aia attempts to bring out Sumizaki's hidden charm through his makeup skills and challenge the school festival.
Physical copy of the Bless manga.
NOTE Volume 2: Pre-order. Shipping will start on 2nd May 2023 onwards. If you have a preorder item in an order with another item that is already available, your entire order will be shipped together when the preorder item arrives and is in stock. Items will not be shipped separately within the same order number.
100% Authentic Seoul Media Comics Product
Ships to Worldwide via DHL / FedEx
Alternative Name: 블레스, Buresu
Author & Art: Yukino Sonoyama
Language: Korean
Size: 148 x 210mm
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791136766311
ISBN10: 1136766316
No. of Pages: 160
First edition (while stocks last): Mini acrylic poster (pp) + Hologram illustration card (paper)
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791136766328
ISBN10: 1136766324
No. of Pages: 160
First edition (while stocks last): Acrylic illustration card (pp) + Hologram illustration card (paper)
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