Kokoro Anzai, a first-year junior high school student who was bullied at school and locked herself in her room. One day, a mirror suddenly started to glow in front of Kokoro's eyes. After passing through her shining mirror, there was a mysterious castle in front of it. 'Wolf-sama', the guide of the castle, tells seven middle school students including Kokoro to find the key to 'the room that makes any wish come true'.
These are the physical copies of Lonely Castle in the Mirror manga.
100% Authentic Haksan Cultural History Product
Ships to Worldwide via DHL / FedEx
Alternate name: 거울 속 외딴 성
Author: Mizuki Tsujimura / Tomo Taketomi
Language: Korean
Size: 128*183*20mm
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791134889166
ISBN10: 113488916X
Pages: 224
Volume 2
ISBN13: 99791134896843
ISBN10: 134896840
Pages: 222
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791168763715
ISBN10: 168763711
Pages: 224
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791168765870
ISBN10: 11168765870
Pages: 224
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