In the sequel to Kengan Ashura, Narushima Kouga has his sights set on the Kengan matches and finding Tokita Ouma, though his reasons for seeking him out remain unclear. Under the guidance of Yamashita Kazuo, Kouga meets Gaou Ryuuki, who bears a striking resemblance to Ouma.
With a looming showdown between the Kengan Association and rival organization Purgatory, Kouga must become strong enough to compete in the legendary Kengan fights and uncover the truth behind his quest for Ouma.
Physical copies of the Kengan Omega manga.
100% Authentic Daewon Product
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Alternative Names: 켄간 오메가
Author: Sandrovich Yabako
Size: 128 mm x 180 mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791169795944
ISBN10: 1169795943
Page: 208
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791170620396
ISBN10: 1170620396
Page: 200
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