Usami Yuu, a typical second-year high school student, runs into Takano Hitomi, a tall girl with a frightening-looking face, by mistake one day. She appears to be gazing directly at him, but why? Hitomi is a sweet and lovely girl who just wants to be more sociable, despite how uneasy and dangerous she appears to be. This is a slice-of-life comedy with a pleasant, loving ending!
These are the physical copies of Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers manga.
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Alternate Names:
히토미는 낯가림쟁이
Author: Natsumi Chorisuke
Language: Korean
Size: 128*180 mm
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791136226358
ISBN10: 1136226354
Pages: 160
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791136233639
ISBN10: 1136233636
Pages: 160
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791136263643
ISBN10: 1136263640
Pages: 160
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791136278791
ISBN10: 1136278796
Pages: 160
Volume 5
ISBN13: 9791168940628
ISBN10: 1168940621
Pages: 160
Volume 6
ISBN13: 9791169184083
ISBN10: 1169184081
Pages: 160
Volume 7
ISBN13: 9791169793452
ISBN10: 1169793452
Pages: 160
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