Takuma Kurosumi, a fearsome yakuza who is called "immovable Kurosumi" in the dark society. A human drama between a yakuza and a dominant dentist!
These are physical copies of Excuse Me Dentist, It's Touching Me! manga.
100% Authentic Daewon CI (Comic) Product
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Alternate Name: 치의사님, 닿고 있어요!
Author: Sho Yamazaki
Size: 128 x 188mm (B6)
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791136292582
ISBN10: 1136292586
Pages: 200
Volume 2
ISBN13: 9791136295200
ISBN10: 1136295208
Pages: 200
Volume 3
ISBN13: 9791168940635
ISBN10: 116894063X
Pages: 200
Volume 4
ISBN13: 9791169184229
ISBN10: 1169184227
Pages: 200
Volume 5
ISBN13: 9791169184557
ISBN10: 1169184553
Pages: 192
Volume 6
ISBN13: 9791169791670
ISBN10: 1169791670
Pages: 192
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