Tokio Kurohara is a powerless and ordinary protagonist. In comparison, Azuma Higashi is a perfect friend that have good grades and great fighting skills. Even though they both are different, their friendship bond is very strong. Their district is almost destroyed by Choujins, humans with supernatural abilities.
These are the physical copies of Choujin X manga.
100% Authentic Daewon CI (Comic) Product
Ships to Worldwide via DHL / FedEx
Alternative Name: 초인X
Author: Sui Ishida
Language: Korean
Size: 128 x 180 mm
Volume 1
Pages: 264
ISBN13: 9791136295064
ISBN10: 1136295062
First Limited edition: Illustration card (While stocks last)
Volume 2
Pages: 270
ISBN13: 9791136295071
ISBN10: 1136295070
First Limited edition: Illustration card (While stocks last)
Volume 1 - 2 Set
Pages: 534
ISBN13: 9791136299475
ISBN10: 1136299475
First Limited edition: Illustration board + illustration card (While stocks last)
Volume 3
Pages: 228
ISBN13: 9791169189330
ISBN10: 1169189334
Volume 4
Pages: 228
ISBN13: 9791169791618
ISBN10: 1169189334
Volume 5
Pages: 256
ISBN13: 9791169798648
ISBN10: 1169798640
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